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Akureyri Junior College (MA) is among Iceland's oldest and best-known educational establishments. Our students graduate with University Entrance Exam and are qualified to enter universities in Iceland and abroad. Their academic achievement has confirmed that MA is a top notch college.
An integral part of the school is the social life which is organized and conducted by students themselves. An ambitious and active participation in social life along with esteemed academic education is an essential part of the upbringing of young people.
MA now holds a student population of 750 people from all over the country. Around 200 of them reside in the dormitory which is located on campus and serves both MA as well as The Akureyri Comprehensive School (VMA).
The school has very much been involved in curriculum development and is currently implementing a curriculum which promotes student autonomy and competence to succeed further in higher education.
For more information please contact us ma@ma.is
Menntaskólinn á Akureyri
Eyrarlandsvegi 28
600 Akureyri
Kt. 460269-5129
Mán - fim 08:00 - 16:00
Föstud 08:00 - 14:00
Lokað í hádeginu 12:00 - 13:00
Lokað um helgar
Ritstjórn: Brynjar K. Óttarsson, Eyrún Huld Haraldsdóttir og Sigurlaug Anna Gunnarsdóttir